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MY experience

I have had a varied career in coaching, high tech, teaching, design and tourism and have been blessed to work with a wide range of people. Through it all the consistent thread is my desire to connect with people so that I can understand their unique experience and challenge in order to help them. I love to help people grow so that what was once 'my impossible dream' becomes reality.


Did you know that the first step to reaching your dreams is to share them? I'd love to hear your dream. Are you brave enough to tell me? Message me at the button below


CEO Monthly award "Most Inspirational Neurodiversity Leadership CEO 2023 (UK)"

Huffington Post ADHD Experts Share The Time Management Tools That Actually Work

Metro What is rejection sensitive dysphoria and how to cope with it


How to Cope with Being Bored while Social Distancing

Woman's Health You're not Broken You Just Have ADHD

LeadDev Supporting Neurodiversity in your Engineering Teams 


Seven Surprisingly Simple Ways to Stem Burnout


Women In Tech Festival Keynote: Neurodiversity in the workplace.

Article on supporting dyslexic colleagues for theuknewspaper

Talk on Mental Health Impacts of Undiagnosed ADHD for Mental Health Week with University of Vienna.

Content warning - not safe for work - language

Organisations I've worked with

As well as coaching private individuals I also provide bespoke training for organizations including 

Homes England




A New Normal are a passionate team of D&I specialists who work with organisations across all sectors, supporting them in creating and sustaining inclusive working environments. They provide education, consultancy and discovery services across the UK and globally.

My Certifications

I am a passionate believer in continuing personal development. I graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2009 and have studied a wide range of topics since then.

In 2019 I gained my Life Coaching Diploma from New Skills Academy, a CPD member. I also hold a level 3 certificate in Neurodiversity and Inclusion and a level 5 certificate in Positive Psychology.

My full list of certifications is displayed on my LinkedIn profile, which you can access from the icon at the bottom of the page. They include qualifications in listening, creativity, teaching, management, and understanding ADHD: Current Research and Practice.

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